Day 2, AM Wave, Court 14, ASICS Jr. Nationals


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00:00:00-01:00:40- Sporting MKE 15-1 vs Limit Nation 15U
01:14:30-02:11:00- Madison Elite 15 White vs DIVC 15U White
02:25:08-03:28:45- Sporting MKE 15-1 vs DIVC 15U White *Scoreboard mislabeled. Limited Nation 15U should be labeled as Sportking MKE 15-1. 
03:42:55-04:27:20- Madison Elite 15 White vs Limit Nation 15U
04:39:40-05:26:30- Limit Nation 15U vs DIVC 15U White  *Scoreboard mislabeled. Madison Elite 15 should be labeled as DIVC 15U White.
05:41:00-06:45:07- Sporting MKE 15-1 vs Madison Elite 15 White