Day 2, PM Wave, Court 3, ASICS Jr. Nationals


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ASICS Junior National Volleyball Championship, Chicago, Illinois
Day 2, Evening Wave, Court 3

00:00:00-00:48:20- Redline 16U Elite vs Club Momentum 16 Orange

01:13:15-01:57:20- LC Tornadoes 16 Teal Elit vs Dig This Macomb

02:07:40-02:42:50- Redline 16U Elite vs Dig This Macomb

03:00:30-03:50:40- LC Torandoes 16 Teal Elit vs Club Momentum 16 Orange *Scoreboard mislabeled. Dig This Macomb should be labeled Club Momentum 16 Orange. 

04:08:35-05:04:45- Club Momentum 16 Orange vs Dig This Macomb *Scoreboard mislabeled. 

05:17:20-06:12:26- Redline 16U Elite vs LC Tornadoes 16 Teal Elit